This American Life

By Grade 6 History teacher Kristy Johnson
On Friday, March 17, sixth graders took part in an interdisciplinary project titled “This American Life” where they transformed into adults with jobs, budgets and rent or mortgage payments. Based on Parade magazine’s “What People Earn” article, students researched the life of a real person and worked with their “character” to create a portfolio filled with factual and creative information related to this person and culminated with a presentation for the LJCDS community.

Students spent the second and third trimesters in each core subject focused on a different aspect of the character’s life. In science, students learned about different growing conditions across the country that affect plants’ needs (like soil type, precipitation and temperature). They used this information to complete a scale drawing of a landscape design for their outdoor space. Each student needed to take into consideration their geography, personal taste, family needs and budget. History class focused on the state where their character lived. Students researched topics such as the history, economics, geography, climate and tourism of their state using various databases. Using this information, they created a comprehensive PowerPoint presentation and a state exhibit to have displayed at the presentation.

During math class they were given a salary in which they calculated deductions for state and federal taxes as well as social security and medicare. Then students created a budget that met their basic living expenses (housing, medical care, child care, food and transportation). Some students discovered that their income didn’t cover their basic expenses, so they needed to find second jobs to supplement their income. Using the information uncovered in the other core subjects, students wrote a creative short story in English. Following the plot “roller coaster,” students made sure their story contained the setup, an exciting incident, a rising action, the climax, the falling action and a resolution.

Finally, students analyzed portraits by famous artists and looked at how color and symbolism are used to tell a story in art class. They brought these characteristics to play in designing their 3D self-portraits. By the end of the project, students were able to articulate the process, content learned and obstacles faced during this project and had a better understanding of how to be a good citizen.

Click here for the photo gallery.


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