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Safety and Parking

Safety is our primary concern, therefore LJCDS is a closed campus. All visitors to campus must check in at the Genesee guard station or with the main receptionist. Students arriving at school after the start of the school day or leaving before the end of the school day must check in or out with the specific division office.

All visitors will be scanned through the School Pass System, which performs an instant sex offender background check against the registered sex offender database in all 50 states. This process is mandatory for all visitors. The system is located at the Genesee guard station and the main reception in the Jacobs Family Library/administration building.

Visiting Campus

  • All faculty, staff and visitors are required to display an official school ID to move freely within the campus. ID badges must be displayed on a lanyard at all times.
  • All visitors must sign in and obtain a visitor ID badge at either the Genesee guard station or the main reception in the Jacobs Family Library/administration building before proceeding to any location on campus. (Expedited security procedures will be put in place and communicated for special events.)
  • LJCDS parents/guardians who volunteer in their child's classroom, on a field trip or in the library are also required to sign in and wear their official school ID or obtain a temporary ID badge.
  • Security, faculty and staff personnel are directed to stop any adult not wearing a visitor ID badge and direct them to the nearest visitor check-in location. Employees who lose or forget their ID badges must stop at the security office or the main reception desk to obtain a temporary ID badge.

Arrival and Departure

  • All designated parking lots are closed and locked each morning after drop-off. Security personnel patrol the Genesee and Upper School/gym lot during school hours.
  • All school parking lots reopen 30 minutes before dismissal time.
  • Students leaving campus during the school day will be required to sign out at the main reception area or at their appropriate division office.
  • Please note: All faculty, staff and LJCDS parents and guardians should obtain a vehicle permit from the security office. Campus security will be able to better direct cars that display a vehicle permit.  
Our students’ safety is paramount; security services and procedures are in place at LJCDS to ensure your child’s well-being.

La Jolla Country Day School

9490 Genesee Avenue
La Jolla, CA 92037

© 2024 La Jolla Country Day School 

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