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Student Ambassador Board Members

Get to know the Upper School Student Ambassador Board Members as they reflect on their time at LJCDS. 

These dedicated leaders are the heart and soul of our student ambassador program. Representing the diverse perspectives of our school community, they play a vital role in guiding our over 100 admission ambassadors through a variety of projects and activities. From leading campus tours and connecting with prospective families to organizing cross-divisional events, our board members are passionate about sharing their love for LJCDS and positively impacting our school.

If you would like to connect with one of our ambassadors, please email ambassador@ljcds.org.

Rose Brennan

Grade 10

List of 2 frequently asked questions.

Zoe Caldwell

Grade 12

List of 2 frequently asked questions.

  • What new classes have you tried at LJCDS? 

    I have just begun a creative writing class this year. I have always enjoyed it; however, I did not realize it was such a positive outlet until recently. Being in this class has made me more reflective and conscious of how to give good feedback.
  • Describe the LJCDS community and why you feel it is special.

    The LJCDS community is special not only because of our desire to welcome and include new students but also because we offer a variety of activities and extracurriculars that can help expand one’s worldview. For example, I am in the literary magazine club Pegasus, and I find it extremely rewarding.

Jojo Criado

Grade 12

List of 2 frequently asked questions.

  • What are your favorite memories at LJCDS?

    My favorite memories from LJCDS were made at the overnight senior retreat in Julian. I got closer to classmates I don’t usually hang out with and got to know them better outside of an academic setting.
  • What new activities have you tried at LJCDS?

    This year, I ran for senior class representative with my friend and got it. This role has helped me communicate with my peers, listen to their ideas and suggestions, and plan more senior class activities!

Matthew DuBois

Grade 11

List of 2 frequently asked questions.

  • What new activities or classes have you tried at LJCDS? 

    In my freshman year, I joined the Investment flex and Torrey Startup flex and enjoyed both. I’ve never been interested in history, but I took AP U.S. History with Dr. Halloran in my sophomore year. It was the first history class where I felt engaged the whole year and was interested because her teaching style was so dynamic.
  • What advice would you give to new high school students?

    Make your focus like a funnel: try everything in freshman year, then hone in on your interests every year after. It sounds so cliche (I’ve heard it myself a million times), but the number of opportunities at LJCDS is infinite—you make yourself a part of existing programs or create entirely new ones.

Jessie Gates

Grade 12

List of 2 frequently asked questions.

  • How have you grown at LJCDS?

    I have grown immensely at LJCDS through involving myself in all aspects of our community and taking on challenges that help me develop. I have found new interests, talents, and study habits through being a student at LJCDS and taking advantage of what they have to offer.
  • What do you want to do to make the world a better place?

    I want to always spread kindness and make good choices. When I grow up, I aspire to be a therapist and help people improve their mental health and spread positivity.

Maria Goutnova

Grade 12

List of 2 frequently asked questions.

  • What are some of your best memories from Lower School?

    Some of my best memories from Lower School were made in the quad. I remember watching the Upper School students cross the quad and witnessing their senior pranks. It’s surreal to realize that I have now become one of the “older kids” I once looked up to.
  • What new classes have you tried at LJCDS?

    In my junior year, I took organic chemistry, a subject I never thought I would enjoy. While I haven’t traditionally considered myself a science person, I fell in love with chemistry and wanted to delve deeper. The class deepened my understanding of the subject and introduced me to valuable study skills. The teacher, Dr. Kumar, also played a big role in my love for the subject, with his constant encouragement, valid advice, and feedback.

Ella Hong

Grade 11

List of 2 frequently asked questions.

Mak Horton

Grade 11

List of 2 frequently asked questions.

Angie Hu

Grade 11

List of 2 frequently asked questions.

  • What new classes have you tried at LJCDS?

    In my design and innovation classes, I have learned so many new skills. I’m shocked at the number of cool tools in the Innovation Lab. For example, we made stickers. There is a literal sticker cutter, one of the most fun tools I’ve used!
  • Describe the LJCDS community and why you feel it is special.

    The LJCDS community stands out for its welcoming atmosphere and strong sense of support. Every teacher and student encourages one another to pursue their goals, which does not happen at all schools. With a wide variety of sports and clubs, students can explore their passions and develop their skills in a nurturing environment. Teachers and coaches are especially supportive. If I ever felt upset, there was always a teacher to talk to, and the special relationships built within the community make it truly unique.

Vicki Huang

Grade 12

List of 2 frequently asked questions.

  • How have you grown at LJCDS?

    I have learned to just throw myself into things at LJCDS, and I no longer have a crippling fear of failure. I know there will always be a group of teachers or students to help me back up when I fall.
  • What new activities have you tried at LJCDS?

    I’ve tried everything, from being a part of Torrey MUN to running Crumbl Cookie Club. I was so surprised at how easy it is to create a space or group on campus for students with certain interests. I was also surprised at how much the school values these “extra” activities. There are a ton of quality resources to encourage students to go out and learn through experience, not just from a classroom. With this culture around curiosity, I believe that I have branched out so much. For example, I’m now in Madrigals, something I never thought I would have done.

Jordan Jones

Grade 11

List of 2 frequently asked questions.

  • How have you grown at LJCDS?

    I feel like I have found myself at LJCDS. Because there are so many opportunities to try new things, I have been able to try different creative outlets and discover what I like. LJCDS has helped me learn to self-reflect and be honest. Also, the teachers and staff really want to get to know me and honestly do care about me.
  • What are your favorite memories at LJCDS?

    My favorite memory is from this year during Little Torrey Cheer. The LJCDS cheer team works with students in the Lower School to create a routine with the Upper School cheerleaders that we perform at the Homecoming game. This year has been really special for me because I got to bond with one of the lower schoolers, and I have absolutely loved getting to work with the younger kids.

Emma Kuhn

Grade 10

List of 2 frequently asked questions.

Jack Levin

Grade 12

List of 2 frequently asked questions.

  • How have teachers inspired greatness in you?

    I was fortunate to have Mrs. Pegels for math for two years because she helped me grow as a student and as a person. She encouraged me to keep an open mind on new learning strategies and to fall in love with the process of mastering new skills.
  • What new activities have you tried at LJCDS?

    The Lucky Ducklings flex activity allows me to give back to the San Diego unhoused community, and I now serve in a leadership role. I also joined the LJCDS chapter of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. It’s been a great outlet for me to grow in my faith during the busy school year.

Ariana Ludwig

Grade 11

List of 2 frequently asked questions.

  • Why did you choose LJCDS?

    I chose LJCDS when I came to Middle School because of the opportunities that it offers and the larger range of classes and sports I got to choose from. The community is just so special and it makes school a lot more enjoyable.
  • Why is the LJCDS community special?

    There is such a strong sense of welcoming and inclusivity. There is always an activity or class that is right for you, and you get a chance to meet new people.

Will Mirhashemi

Grade 12

List of 2 frequently asked questions.

  • What new activities or classes have you tried at LJCDS?

    One new fun activity I tried is ultimate frisbee. This sport surprised me because I connected with many individuals from all different grade levels. A new class I tried was Mandarin. I used to take Spanish at my old school, but I wanted to try something new. It has been amazing, and I’m excited to hopefully pursue it in college.
  • How have you grown at LJCDS?

    I have grown in many ways at LJCDS, one of which is in my public speaking. After joining Torrey Mock Trial, I excelled in my ability to speak in front of a crowd and felt confident.

Sua Namkung

Grade 11

List of 2 frequently asked questions.

  • How have teachers inspired greatness in you?

    The teachers push me to grow as a student and as a person. They encourage me to go beyond my comfort zone, helping me explore new opportunities and achieve more. My teachers’ reassuring words and support helped me through challenging times. Their guidance has sparked curiosity, inspiring me to explore new passions and interests each year.
  • Describe the LJCDS community and why you feel it is special.

    The LJCDS community places a strong emphasis on the relationship between faculty and students, recognizing the vital role everyone plays in establishing a collaborative environment. I value the importance of this connection, which enables meaningful partnerships between students and faculty. Everyone is dedicated to supporting students throughout their journey, guiding them toward success inside and outside of school.

Shayla Nazeri

Grade 11

List of 2 frequently asked questions.

  • How have you grown at LJCDS?

    I’ve learned many new study habits and techniques, and I’ve learned how to manage my time well. This sets me up for success in college and beyond.
  • Tell us an interesting fact about you.

    I’ve played the flute since second grade, and it’s definitely one of my biggest passions. The music program is one of the reasons I chose LJCDS.

Gabe Rosen-Ahmed

Grade 12

List of 2 frequently asked questions.

  • How have you grown at LJCDS?

    I have grown academically and socially. My teachers foster an environment to understand and apply everything we discuss in class. Outside of class, I made my closest friends in all the flex/clubs. I’ve learned how to lead and organize activities ranging from new student gatherings to lunch meetings for the Model United Nations Team.
  • How would you describe the LJCDS community?

    It is unique, welcoming, and tightly knit. I feel comfortable being whoever I want to be here. My voice is heard, and my opinions are valued. I’ve never been a part of anything as special as the Torrey community, and I’m so grateful for it.

Delilah Shulman

Grade 11

List of 2 frequently asked questions.

Angela Xie

Grade 12

List of 2 frequently asked questions.

  • What are some of your best memories from Lower School?

    My best memories were when the high schoolers came and visited the Lower School. I remember how much I admired the older kids—I thought they were so cool and wanted to be just like them! Looking back now as a senior, I hope to bring that feeling of excitement, pride, and admiration to the younger generation.
  • How have you grown at LJCDS?

    Before I came here, I lacked confidence in speaking. However, with support from my teachers and outgoing friends, I developed my voice at LJCDS. Now, I can take on leadership positions such as starting my own Fashion Club, being a peer leader/mentor, serving on the board of directors for Model UN, and much more.

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9490 Genesee Avenue
La Jolla, CA 92037

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