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Learning Resource Center

The Learning Resource Center (LRC) supports the development of the neurodiverse learning profiles of all students, using their strengths to develop areas of growth. Students working in the LRC are taught specific skills in all subject areas to thrive in the rigorous academic environment of LJCDS.
Those skills include:
  • time management
  • critical thinking
  • comprehension (reading and language)
  • organization
  • self-regulation
  • note-taking
  • test-taking
  • higher-order thinking 

The program serves Tiny Torreys through Grade 12 and offers one-on-one and small group educational, speech-language, and occupational therapy that is integrated into each student’s academic program; it focuses on advocacy and builds a strong relationship between student and specialist.

The LRC team includes educational therapists, speech/language pathologists, and occupational therapists. Students work with LRC specialists during school hours, utilizing free blocks or arranged times based on students’ academic schedules. Locations include the Lower School, Upper School, and on the second floor of the Jacobs Family Library/administration building. Services are fee-based.


Additional Support Opportunities

List of 5 items.

  • Academic Studio (K–12)

    The Academic Studio is open to all LJCDS students from kindergarten to Grade 12 who could benefit from one-on-one support with academic-specific skills, studying, planning, organization, and homework. Students are welcome to drop in based on need, or teachers may recommend that students utilize this time with a learning specialist. 

    Students can find the Academic Studio in the LRC library space on the second floor of the library building. It is open on Wednesdays from 7:40 to 8:15 a.m
  • What I Need (K–4)

    The LRC partners with the Lower School faculty to support What I Need (WIN) time. Kindergarten through Grade 4 classrooms are provided with additional opportunities to build and challenge themselves in specific skill areas. The idea of WIN is to provide a different perspective when learning a concept. The students might be with an LRC specialist, a teacher, or doing independently assigned tasks. The topics could be executive functioning, articulation, receptive language, expressive language, social skills, math, reading, writing, Spanish, or science. 
  • Torrey Mindful Learning (Grades 5–12)

    Torrey Mindful Learning is a course for Middle and Upper School students taught by LRC learning specialists. Through neuroscience and psychology, students strengthen their executive functioning to work smarter, not harder. 

    Students learn about
    1. Time management
    2. Organization
    3. Planning and prioritization
    4. Working memory
    5. Response inhibition
    6. Sustained attention
    7. Flexibility
    8. Persistence
    9. Metacognition
    10. Controlling emotions 
    11. Task initiation

    Each class includes a mini-lesson about an executive function and an application of the concept in parallel to the student’s current coursework. Students are taught how to use provided planners to boost their time management and planning skills.
  • Academic Support Flex (Grades 9–12) 

    All Upper School students are welcome to join the Academic Support Flex to receive one-on-one assistance from a learning specialist with academic content, homework, studying, planning, and organization. Students are welcome to drop in based on need, or teachers may recommend that students utilize this time with a learning specialist. Please contact Learning Resource Center Coordinator Amy Rohrbach at arohrbach@ljcds.org with any questions.

    Upper schoolers can check the current schedule for days and times of this weekly flex.
  • Accommodations (Grades 3–12)

    If students are eligible for classroom and/or testing accommodations, the LRC ensures that all reasonable accommodations are provided at LJCDS. 

    A separate accommodations request is required for ACT and College Board (PSAT, SAT, AP) testing. Each has its own process. Upper School students who need to request these accommodations can contact Director of the Learning Resource Center Kristy King at kking@ljcds.org or 858-453-3440 x351.

Meet the Team

List of 12 members.

  • Photo of Kristy King

    Kristy King 

    Director of the Learning Resource Center
    (858) 453-3440 x351
  • Photo of Amy Rohrbach

    Amy Rohrbach 

    LRC Coordinator, Learning Specialist
    (858) 453-3440 x253
  • Photo of Dana August

    Dana August 

    Learning Specialist
    (858) 453-3440 x 318
  • Photo of Dani Bonfield

    Dani Bonfield 

    Learning Specialist
    (858) 453-3440 x402
  • Photo of Karen Frischwasser

    Karen Frischwasser 

    Speech-Language Pathologist
    (858) 453-3440 x311
  • Photo of Heather Love

    Heather Love 

    Learning Specialist
    (858) 453-3440
  • Photo of Alyssa Oezer

    Alyssa Oezer 

    Speech-Language Pathologist
    (858) 453-3440 x764
  • Photo of Ronnie Power

    Ronnie Power 

    Learning Specialist
    (858) 453-3440 x155
  • Photo of Emily Rote

    Emily Rote 

    Learning Specialist
    (858) 453-3440 x768
  • Photo of Heidi Schmidt

    Heidi Schmidt 

    Learning Specialist
    (858) 453-3440 x156
  • Photo of Shannon Sturgeon

    Shannon Sturgeon 

    Learning Specialist
    (858) 453-3440 x278
  • Photo of Daisy Vaisburg

    Daisy Vaisburg 

    Learning Specialist
    (858) 453-3440 x 205

La Jolla Country Day School

9490 Genesee Avenue
La Jolla, CA 92037

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