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The La Jolla Country Day School (LJCDS) student-athlete embodies the spirit of interscholastic athletics by combining intellectual achievement with physical excellence. Surrounded by their intellectual equals off the field and their athletic equals on the field, student-athletes must strive to their limits to maintain their standing in both environments.
The LJCDS athletic program provides our student-athletes with an opportunity to broaden their educational experiences through an assortment of team and individual sports. The many lessons learned in athletics will complement those taught in the classroom and home such as honor, respect, responsibility, commitment, preparation, teamwork and sportsmanship. Lifelong relationships among teammates, opponents and coaches are all part of the athletic experience.

LJCDS students participate in athletics at a rate that is among California’s highest; 90% of the Middle and Upper School students participated on at least one athletic team in 2022–2023 with 140 Upper School students playing two sports and 26 earning three-sport recognition.
A student who elects to participate in athletics is voluntarily making a choice of self-discipline, which must be maintained both in the classroom and on the athletic fields. It is our desire to provide a program that is both fun and rewarding for our students.

In keeping with the school’s commitment to enhance the scholar, artist and athlete within each student, LJCDS employs a “no cut policy.” LJCDS does not exclude students from participating on a team due to lack of experience and/or ability. The school will provide a team to meet every ability level, and each team will be coached and provided competitive opportunities commensurate with the team’s experience and athleticism.
A well-organized athletic program includes rules that govern the spirit of competition for the school. These rules need a broad basis of community understanding, which is achieved through communication to the faculty, staff, parents and student-athletes. We hope to accomplish our objective through the athletic handbook. If at any time you have questions or concerns, please call me so that we can discuss possible solutions. We look forward to your participation in our athletic program.

Go Torreys! 

Jeff Hutzler
Director of Athletics and Physical Education

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La Jolla Country Day School

9490 Genesee Avenue
La Jolla, CA 92037

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