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Athletic Injury Protocol

It is imperative that the athletic trainer, coach and student-athlete communicate in order to provide the best care and ensure the athlete’s safety. The coach and athlete should report any injury that has occurred to the athletic trainer. It is the student-athlete’s responsibility to read and know the symptoms of a concussion. The athlete should report any trauma or symptoms that they encounter to their coach and athletic trainer immediately.


List of 4 items.

  • Athletic Removal from Practice and/or Contest Due to Injury

    The athletic trainer is responsible for the care and treatment of the athletic injuries sustained while participating in La Jolla Country Day (LJCDS) athletics. The athletic trainer will care for the athlete from initial injury to return to play. The trainer is responsible for determining when it is safe and in the student-athlete’s best interest to return to participation. As a result, the athletic trainer maintains the authority to hold the athlete from participation and recommend examination by a physician.
  • Pre-participation Examination

    Pre-participation physical examinations conducted by a M.D. or D.O. are required by California Interscholastic Federation (CIF) and LJCDS for athletic participation. These examinations are required for all Grade 7-12 students whether or not they play a sport. The exam must be conducted after May 1 in order to be valid for the upcoming year and must be submitted to LJCDS by August 1 in order for a student to attend classes.
  • Concussion Information and Policy

    Concussion Information
    Concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury caused by a bump, blow or jolt to the head. Concussions can also occur from a blow to the body that causes the head and brain to move quickly back and forth—causing the brain to bounce around or twist within the skull.

    This sudden movement of the brain can cause stretching and tearing of brain cells, damaging the cells and creating chemical changes in the brain.

    A concussion can have a serious effect on a young, developing brain. While most children and teens with a concussion recover quickly and fully, some will have concussion symptoms that last for days, weeks or even months.

    Not giving the brain enough time to heal after a concussion can be dangerous. A repeat concussion that occurs before the brain heals from the first, usually within a short amount of time (hours, days, weeks), can slow recovery or increase the chances for long-term health problems. These may include changes in how the child or teen thinks, feels and acts, as well as their ability to learn and remember.

    While rare, a repeat concussion can result in brain swelling or permanent brain damage. It can even be fatal.

    Resource: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

    Concussion Policy
    LJCDS follows CIF regulation and California state law in order to ensure student-athlete safety during athletic participation. Any middle school or high school athlete, who is suspected of sustaining a concussion is not allowed to return to athletic activity that day and must bring back a physician's note stating that a head injury was not sustained in order to return to athletic activity in the future.  The concussion can be suspected by a coach, athletic trainer, athletic director, nurse or referee.  CIF also requires that the athlete be seen by a M.D. or D.O. trained in concussions and working in their scope of practice. This means that the athlete cannot be seen by a nurse practitioner or physician's assistant. If the athlete did sustain a head injury or concussion, he or she must complete a seven-step (seven plus days after being symptom free) return-to-play progression supervised by a physician in order to return to play. The student-athlete must have made a complete return-to-learn before they start the return-to-play progression. Every step of the progression must be signed off by a designated concussion monitor. Even if an athlete brings a note stating the he or she is cleared to play, the progression must be completed and signed before the athlete is cleared for participation at LJCDS.

    As the coach and athletic trainer cannot monitor all athlete's every move, it is the student-athlete's responsibility to read, understand, and report any symptoms of a concussion.
  • ImPACT Testing

    LJCDS uses a software tool called ImPACT (Immediate Post Concussion Assessment and Cognitive Testing) in evaluating and treating head injuries. A computerized exam utilized in many professional, collegiate and high school sports programs across the country, ImPACT assists our athletic trainer and team doctors in successfully diagnosing and managing concussions. Student athletes who participate in sports with a higher risk for concussions take a baseline test and then are tested again with ImPACT after sustaining a concussion.

Team Physicians

Jan Fronek, M.D.
Orthopaedic Surgery & Sports Medicine
Scripps Clinic Medical Group
San Diego Padres Team Physician
10666 North Torrey Pines Road
La Jolla, Calif., 92037
Tel: 858 554 7980 (Torrey Pines)
Tel: 858 764 3331 (Carmel Valley)
Jonathan A. Koretoff, MD 
San Diego Sports Medicine
San Diego State University Team Doctor
Tel: 619 229 3909 (San Diego Office)
Fax: 619 582 1497 (San Diego Office)
Tel: 858-793-7860 (Sorento/Carmel Valley)
Fax: 858-436-1289 (Sorento/Carmel Valley
F. Allen Richburg, M.D.
San Diego Sports Medicine
San Diego State Directors of Sports Medicine
Tel: 619 229 3909 (San Diego Office)
Fax: 619 582 1497 (San Diego Office)
Tel: 858 793 7860 (Sorrento/Carmel Valley)
Fax: 858 436 1289 (Sorrento/Carmel Valley)
Our students’ safety on the playing fields and courts is as important to us as their success. Our team of dedicated coaches, conscientious athletes and caring families can ensure a safe and successful experience by recognizing the appropriate protocol.

La Jolla Country Day School

9490 Genesee Avenue
La Jolla, CA 92037

© 2024 La Jolla Country Day School 

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